Wordscapes Level 150 Answers

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Level 150 of Wordscapes is a hard one. We need to make 16 words by using only 6 letters: A, B, I, N, R and Y. But that is not all – we can also find 34 extra words using these same letters.

The Wordscapes level 150 is part of the Canyon group category and Pillar pack Subcategory. Below, we have listed the answers to Wordscapes puzzle 150 and the bonus words.

Wordscapes Level 150 Answers

We have added a picture to help you solve Level 150 Wordscapes. The image shows all the answers filled in, making it easy for you to place the words in the right spots and complete the level 150 Wordscapes answer.


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Puzzle 150 Word Definitions – Wordscapes Answers

These are the primary keywords that a player needs to look for. The following words are listed here along with their definitions:

AIR: The invisible gaseous substance surrounding Earth.

AIRY: Having a light, spacious, or delicate quality.

ANY: One or some, no matter how much or how many.

BAN: To officially prohibit something.

BARN: A large farm building used for storing grain or housing animals.

BAY: A body of water partially enclosed by land, or a type of tree.

BINARY: Relating to or composed of two things.

BRAIN: The organ inside the head responsible for thought and control of the body.

BRA: A piece of clothing worn by women to support the breasts.

BRAN: The outer layer of grains such as wheat.

NAB: To catch or seize suddenly.

RAIN: Water that falls from clouds in the sky.

RAINY: Characterized by rain or wet weather.

RAN: The past tense of “run.”

RIB: A curved bone that forms part of the structure of the chest.

YARN: A long strand of fibers used in knitting or weaving.

Wordscape level 150 bonus words

Wordscapes Level 150 have 34 extra words that can be formed using the letters A, B, I, N, R and Y. These extra words, also known as bonus words, offer coins as rewards for each discovery. Here are the bonus words for Wordscapes Puzzle 150 :


Finding these bonus words makes the game more exciting and rewarding. Try to spot them all and collect your coins.

Puzzle 150 Bonus Word Definitions – Wordscapes Answers

In Level 150 wordscape puzzle have 34 Bonus words. Each level has its own secret words, and here are the bonus words for Level 150 wordscape are:

ABRI: A shelter, especially a military fortification.

ABRIN: A highly toxic protein found in certain plants.

ABY: To endure or suffer for a wrongdoing.

AIN: An old term meaning “own” or “belonging to oneself.”

AIRN: Scottish for iron.

ANI: A type of tropical American bird.

ARB: A slang term for arbitration.

ARY: An obsolete term meaning “any.”

AYIN: A Hebrew letter.

BAIRN: A Scottish or Northern English word for child.

BANI: Plural of “bana,” a coin in Romania.

BAR: A long rod or rigid piece of metal or a place where drinks are sold.

BARNY: Relating to or characteristic of a barn.

BRAINY: Intelligent or clever.

BRAY: The loud, harsh cry of a donkey.

BRIN: The edge or margin, especially of a river.

BRINY: Salty, like seawater.

INBY: A Scottish term for “inside” or “inward.”

NABI: A prophet in Hebrew.

NARY: Not any, none at all.

NAY: A negative response, meaning “no.”

NIB: The pointed end of a pen.

RAI: A style of Algerian music.

RABI: The winter crop season in South Asia.

RANI: A queen or princess in India.

RAY: A narrow beam of light or energy.

RIA: A long, narrow inlet of the sea.

RIN: A Scottish term meaning “run.”

RNA: Ribonucleic acid, a molecule essential for life.

RYA: A type of Scandinavian knotted-pile rug.

YAR: Nimble or quick in movement.

YIN: In Chinese philosophy, the feminine principle associated with darkness and passivity.

Above we have listed the 34 bonus words for Level 150, along with their meanings, to help you find them easily. Discover all the bonus words in level 150 and earn extra coins to unlock hints and play the game smoothly.

FAQ for Wordscapes Puzzle 150

What are the letters for Wordscapes Puzzle 150?

Wordscapes Puzzle 150, the six letters provided are A, B, I, N, R and Y.

How many words in Wordscapes Answers Puzzle 150?

In Wordscapes Answers Puzzle 150, there are a total of 50 words that can be formed using six letters. This total includes 16 primary answers and 34 bonus words.

Where we can play wordscapes Game?

Wordscapes is available on iOS, Andriod and Microsoft platforms, allowing you to play on your mobile device, desktop computer, or tablet.

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