Wordscapes Level 120 Answers

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Level 120 of Wordscapes is a hard one. We need to make 9 words by using only 5 letters: A, B, C, E, H and L . But that is not all – we can also find 36 extra words using these same letters.

The Wordscapes level 120 is part of the Canyon group category and Arch pack Subcategory. Below, we have listed the answers to Wordscapes puzzle 120 and the bonus words.

Wordscapes Level 120 Answers

We have added a picture to help you solve Level 120 Wordscapes. The image shows all the answers filled in, making it easy for you to place the words in the right spots and complete the level 120 Wordscapes answer.


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Level 120 Word Definitions – Wordscapes Answers

These are the primary keywords that a player needs to look for. The following words are listed here along with their definitions:

ABLE: Having the power or skill to do something.

BLAH: A feeling of boredom or lack of excitement.

BEACH: A sandy or pebbly shore by the ocean or a lake.

BLEACH: A chemical used to whiten or disinfect.

CAB: A taxi or a compartment in a vehicle.

CABLE: A thick, strong rope or wire, often used for transmitting electrical signals.

EACH: Referring to every one of two or more people or things.

LACE: A delicate fabric made of fine threads or a string used to tie something.

Wordscape level 120 bonus words

Wordscapes Level 120 have 36 extra words from A, B, C, E, H and L . And we can earn coins for each words. These extra words are also called bonus words. Here are the bonus words for Level 120 wordscapes are :


Finding these bonus words makes the game more exciting and rewarding. Try to spot them all and collect your coins.

Level 120 Bonus Word Definitions – Wordscapes Answers

In Level 120 wordscape puzzle have 36 Bonus words. Each level has its own secret words, and here are the bonus words for Level 120 wordscape are:

ACH: An expression of pain or a variant spelling of “ache.”

ACHE: A continuous or prolonged dull pain.

ACE: A playing card with a single symbol, often the highest in value.

ALB: A long white robe worn by priests during religious ceremonies.

ALBE: A rare variant of “albeit,” meaning “although.”

ALE: A type of beer brewed using warm fermentation.

ALEC: A short form of the name “Alexander.”

BACH: A German surname, often associated with composer Johann Sebastian Bach.

BAC: An abbreviation for “bachelor” or “baccalaureate.”

BAEL: A type of fruit from the bael tree, native to India.

BAH: An expression of contempt or disdain.

BAL: A variant spelling of “ball,” often used in names.

BALE: A large bundle of goods tightly wrapped and bound.

BEAL: A surname or a variant spelling of “bale.”

BEL: A unit of sound intensity.

BELAH: A type of tree native to Australia.

BELCH: To burp loudly.

BHEL: An Indian snack made with puffed rice and various toppings.

BLAE: A Scottish word meaning “dark blue” or “grayish-blue.”

BLECH: An expression of disgust.

CAL: A shortened form of “California” or “calendar.”

CEL: A cell in animation or short for “celluloid.”

CHA: A slang term for tea in British English.

CHAL: A variant of “chalice,” a drinking cup or goblet.

CHE: A South American revolutionary leader, Che Guevara.

CHELA: A claw, especially of a crab or lobster.

ECH: An expression of disgust or disdain.

HAE: A Scottish term meaning “have.”

HALE: Strong and healthy, often used to describe an elderly person.

HABLE: An archaic word meaning “able” or “capable.”

HEAL: To make or become healthy again.

LAC: A resinous substance secreted by certain insects, used in varnish.

LAH: A note in the solfège scale, also an exclamation of surprise or realization.

LEA: An open area of grassy land, often used for grazing.

LEACH: To remove or drain away a substance, typically through a filtering process.

LECH: A lecherous person, someone with excessive or offensive sexual desire.

Above we have listed the 36 bonus words for Level 120, along with their meanings, to help you find them easily. Discover all the bonus words in level 120 and earn extra coins to unlock hints and play the game smoothly.

FAQ for Wordscapes Puzzle 120 level

What are the letters for Wordscapes Puzzle 120?

Wordscapes Puzzle 120, the five letters provided are A, B, C, E, H and L .

How many words in Wordscapes Answers Level 120?

In Wordscapes Answers Level 120, there are a total of 45 words that can be formed using five letters. This total includes 9 primary answers and 36 bonus words.

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