*Level 101 of Wordscapes is a tough one. We need to make 13 words by using only 5noletter letters: F, I, M, N, O and R . But that is not all – we can also find 23 extra words using these same letters.
The Wordscapes level 101 is part of the Canyon group category and Pass pack Subcategory. Below, we have listed the answers to Wordscapes puzzle 101 and the bonus words.
Wordscapes Level 101 Answers
We have added a picture to help you solve Level 101 Wordscapes. The image shows all the answers filled in, making it easy for you to place the words in the right spots and complete the level 101 Wordscapes answer. Just match words with the blanks, and you are done.
Wordscapes Level 100 Answer Wordscapes All Answer Wordscapes Level 102 Answer
Level 101 Word Definitions – Wordscapes Answers
These are the primary keywords that a player needs to look for. The following words are listed here along with their definitions:
FIN: A thin, flat part on a fish or aquatic animal used for swimming.
FIRM: Strong and solid; not easily moved.
FORM: The shape or structure of something.
FOR: Indicates purpose or reason.
FROM: Denotes the origin or starting point.
INFO: Short for “information,” meaning data or knowledge.
INFORM: To provide someone with knowledge or facts.
ION: An atom or molecule with an electric charge.
IRON: A strong metal used in construction and manufacturing.
MINOR: Lesser in importance or smaller in scope.
NOR: Used to introduce a second negative clause.
RIM: The outer edge or border of something, especially round objects.
Wordscape level 101 bonus words
Wordscapes Level 101 have 23 extra words from F, I, M, N, O and R . And we can earn coins for each words. These extra words are also called bonus words. Here are the bonus words for Level 101 wordscapes are :
Finding these bonus words makes the game more exciting and rewarding. Try to spot them all and collect your coins.
Level 101 Bonus Word Definitions – Wordscapes Answers
In Level 101 wordscape puzzle have 23 Bonus words. Each level has its own secret words, and here are the bonus words for Level 101 wordscape are:
FINO: A type of dry, pale sherry wine.
FIRN: Snow that has partially compacted into ice.
FOIN: An old term meaning to thrust with a pointed weapon.
FON: An archaic word meaning foolish or fond.
FRO: A variant of “to and fro,” meaning back and forth.
INRO: A Japanese case for small items, worn on a belt.
MIRO: A name, also referring to a type of tree in New Zealand.
MIR: A Russian word for “world” or “peace.”
MINO: A traditional Japanese raincoat made from straw.
MOI: French for “me.”
MON: A term for a clan emblem in Japan.
MORN: An archaic or poetic term for morning.
MOR: A layer of organic material on the forest floor.
NOM: Slang for “name” or the sound of eating.
NIM: To take or steal something, archaic usage.
NORM: A standard or typical pattern of behavior.
NORI: Edible seaweed used in Japanese cuisine.
NOIR: A genre of crime fiction with a cynical tone.
ORF: A viral disease affecting sheep and goats.
RIF: Abbreviation for “reduction in force,” meaning job cuts.
RIN: A former Japanese monetary unit, also a name.
ROIN: An old term meaning to bluster or boast.
ROM: Read-Only Memory in computing, storing data permanently.
Above we have listed the 23 bonus words for Level 101, along with their meanings, to help you find them easily. Discover all the bonus words in level 101 and earn extra coins to unlock hints and play the game smoothly.
FAQ for Wordscapes Puzzle 101 level
What are the letters for Wordscapes Puzzle 101?
Wordscapes Puzzle 101, the five letters provided are F, I, M, N, O and R .
How many words in Wordscapes Answers Level 101?
In Wordscapes Answers Level 101, there are a total of 36 words that can be formed using five letters. This total includes 13 primary answers and 23 bonus words.
Wordscapes Level 100 Answer Wordscapes All Answer Wordscapes Level 102 Answer