Leaf Blower Revolution Idle Game Useful Tips and Tricks

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If you are here to know about useful Tips and Tricks to play Leaf Blower Revolution then stick to the end. Or leaf blower revolution gems, leaf blower revolution leaf tower, leaf blower revolution unique leaves, leaf blower revolution guide, leaf blower revolution wiki.

Leaf Blower Revolution Gems:
  • Log in daily for your gems.
  • Save your gems for upgrades and keep your tools that speed up the process.
  • Time travel is unusable and useless for progression.Do not buy time travel.
Go Through the Leaf Portal:

When prestige for the very first time follow this list of recommended things to get.

  • The first time you prestige you need at least 100 coins.
  • What you should get are the travel thing (also make sure to buy the neighbor’s garden to progress further (you can also get mountain if you want)) and upgrade each type of leaf once so that the progression gets faster.
  • With the coins left, you can either upgrade leaves or spend them on fruit upgrades.Auto buyers are only good at the later stages of the game.
Leaf Blower Revolution Flasks:

When you have a ton of void leaves, make sure you have unlocked the converter and upgraded it. Follow these tips that can help you with this stage of the game.

  • You can get a ton of upgrades for that flask before you unlock the next flask so don’t unlock flasks any further. Do not lose flasks before starting the next one. For example, before making green flasks, make sure you can produce more red flasks than you use if green flasks cost 1.5k each, then you make sure you are producing 1.6k red flasks.
  • If you need prestige to progress, then do not try to unlock strange flasks until you have activated the big leaf crunch (or BLF) at least once.
  • You can gain flasks while AFK. So wait overnight to gain flasks then check in to see how many flasks you have in the morning.  And find the leaf blower revolution guide.

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Leaf Blower Revolution Big Leaf Crunch (BLC):
  • BLF is presently the last prestige layer and contains the most rewards but is quite difficult to get.
  • The first upgrade you should unlock is the Leaf Master upgrade which gives more than 400% leaves.
  • When you unlock BLC again, then do it.
  • Also unlocking the converter upgrade speeds up the late game enormously.
  • When you unlock BLC, unlock strange flasks. It allows you to get more BLC coins per crunch. Upgrade Big Leaf Crunch coins until you get around 9 or 10.
  • It is crucial to upgrade the converter speed, which helps a lot and upgrades the amount of Big Leaf Crunch coins that allow you to get +1 Big Leaf Crunch coins per BLC.
Leaf Blower Revolution Combo:
  • The combo upgrade is essential as it multiplies the amount of leaves you get by a certain amount.
  • Even if you are AFK, your Automatic leaf blowers activates your combo.
  • Buy cheap upgrades, and avoid buying a ton of combo duration. After a certain point, the combo duration upgrade becomes useless.
ALBs (Automatic Leaf Blowers)
  • ALBs are little Roomba robots who degenerate leaves for you. ALBs are highly effective for AFKing, as they blow leaves off-screen while you don’t have to do anything.
  • You can have a total of 18 ALBs at a time.
  • While unlocking platinum leaves, you can upgrade the traits of the ALB and after platinum leaves, most leaves have upgrades for the ALBs, which include speed, leaf blowing power,ability to hit enemies, etc.
  • ALBs are useful in the early game only when you need to AFK. When you are in the late game and focused on flasks, ALBs are essential for void leaves to make red flasks.

AFKing is very powerful when used correctly, winning you huge amounts of leaves and flasks. To AFK first start the game and go to the section you want and get as many ALBs and ALB upgrades as you can. Then leave overnight and make sure to keep your system on.

There are two places where AFKing has usefulness, the early game and at the end.In the early game, AFKing is useful because it is hard to gain leaves and when you leave the game overnight you gain tons of leaves. And in the end game, AFKing is useful because through overnight you will gain huge amounts of flasks.

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I am the Co-Founder and CEO at CrazyAshwin.Com - a platform that helps people find exclusive free gifts, rewards, and tricks & tips in the game.

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